用草图创建. 402.826.8676

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Emphasis Areas

Health Care Policy 

Legal Affairs 






POV 101政策及价值观简介*

PSI 101 (American Politics) OR 234 (Legislative and Executive Behavior)*

PRE 111 (Ethics)*

PRE 115 (Comparative Religions) OR ANT/SOC 308 (Cultural Anthropology)*

ECO 203(宏观经济学和扫盲)*

CMS 301 (Strategic Writing) OR CMS 330 (Public Relations)*

PSI 330(政治中的宗教)

PSI 216 (Public Opinion and Citizen Action) OR PSI 313 (Political Parties and Interest Groups)*

ECO/PSI 308(公共财政)

BUS 315(组织行为学)

POV 49X (Capstone Experience)

Core: 33 credits


Majors will also choose a concentration, either from the choices below or self-designed:


Healthcare Policy

SOC 318 (The Sociology of Health and Health Care)


EVS 205 (Principles of Environmental Public Health)

ECO 329(卫生保健经济学)

PSY/SOC 230(社会问题)



EVS 392 (环境政策 and Sustainability)


ECO 309(环境经济)

EVS 105(自然资源概论)

EVS 201(环境科学)

EVS 205 (Principles of Environmental Public Health)

EVS 320 (Introduction to Geographic 信息系统)

EVS 330(地球、气候和能源)

HIS 320(美国环境史)


Legal Affairs

PSI 328(宪制法)



CMM 445(法律及道德问题)

PSI 332(当前法律问题)

SOC 310(修正)

SOC 314(刑事法律及诉讼)

Self-Designed: At least nine credits in a single area of substance, designed in collaboration with program faculty, 并得到他们的同意

Total: 42 credits



majoring in previous degree program, Law, Politics and Society
I am super excited for the new Policy and Values major. I learned so much the last four years and feel like I have grown so much as an individual and an academic. The world needs educated and compassionate individuals willing to take on the problems facing Americans and I know Doane has great professors to produce these kinds of students.


Helpful Links

Whether you’re ready to apply or still testing the waters with a tour, we’re here for you. Here are some helpful links to assist you on your journey.


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